Over 9 years ago, backed by the belief that we could unlock the potential of each and every type of student with the power of learning science, we embarked on a journey to create a unique educational experience. Spanning over 90+ disciplines and serving multiple education markets around the world, SmartBook has emerged as the leader in adaptive learning.
Today, SmartBook 2.0 builds on our market-leading technology with enhanced capabilities that deliver a more personalized, efficient and accessible learning experience for students and instructors.
10 billion+
probes answered
200 Million+
interactions per month
What is Connect with SmartBook 2.0?
Connect is a highly reliable, easy-to-use homework and learning management solution that applies learning science and award-winning adaptive tools to improve student results.
Available within Connect, SmartBook 2.0 personalizes learning to individual student needs, continually adapting to pinpoint knowledge gaps and focus learning on concepts requiring additional study.
SmartBook 2.0 fosters more productive learning, taking the guesswork out of what to study, and making students better prepared for class.
For instructors, SmartBook 2.0 tracks student progress and provides insights that guide teaching strategies and advanced instruction, for a more dynamic class experience.
SmartBook 2.0 Addresses Key Challenges
Instructor Perspective
Many instructors describe a situation where students are coming to class unprepared.They find that students who don't do the reading, or who don't gain a critical understanding of the content from reading, are unable to fully engage in the class. This creates a situation where the instructor has to take valuable class time reviewing prerequisite content or teaching the basics.
SmartBook 2.0 improves student engagement using a layer of intelligence and adaptivity so that students can effectively and efficiently read, review, practice, and come to class prepared. Using the reports, instructors can determine if students are doing the work, and identify the concepts where students are struggling. This helps instructors proactively reach out to students who may be at risk, and allows instructors to spend time only on the concepts and topics students need—leaving plenty of time to engage with students and promote higher-order thinking.
Transform Your Discussions from Basic to Bold
“With Connect’s powerful personalized studying experience, you can have students learn the basics before they come to class, allowing you to be the educational expert that leads students to more ‘ah-ha’ moments.”
SmartBook 2.0 Addresses Key Challenges
Student Perspective
Students are busy, and they want their study time to be efficient and effective. Often, they struggle to know where they should start in the text and how to focus their attention. After reading, they don't always know if they really understood the content or not.
SmartBook 2.0 has key learning content highlighted to help students focus their initial exposure on foundational concepts, and to ensure efficient learning. As students move through the material, they will be challenged on what they’ve read and asked to rate their confidence in their answers. This creates self-awareness of knowledge gaps and facilitates learning. Based on their answers, SmartBook 2.0 creates a personalized review for students using proven adaptive algorithms. SmartBook 2.0 makes learning efficient and effective!
Your Time. Your Grades. Make the Most of It.
“With Connect I’ve become a more efficient and effective learner. Better class prep means I’m asking more meaningful questions and getting better answers that guide my studying.”
New SmartBook 2.0 Benefits
SmartBook 2.0’s adaptive learning technology was the first of its kind in higher education. Since 2009, students have answered over 10 billion questions, with over 200 million interactions per month. We are always learning and continue to evolve the product based on student and instructor feedback. SmartBook 2.0 will offer these improved benefits:
Mobile and Off-line Reading
Just like our new eBook and ReadAnywhere App, SmartBook 2.0 is available for mobile use on smart devices—both online and off-line.
Instructor Control
Our research shows that if SmartBook 2.0 is not assigned, students are less likely to do it. Therefore, instructors must now create reading assignments for students to use SmartBook 2.0. Assigning SmartBook 2.0 will help students be accountable for learning the material and come to class prepared and ready to succeed.
Personalized Review Can Be Assigned
With SmartBook 2.0, instructors can assign a Personalized Review prior to quizzes or exams, saving them the time to create a review homework assignment, and making reviewing the material efficient and effective for students. Instructors can also include content from multiple chapters to help students prepare for a cumulative exam. Based on the student’s previous performance, Personalized Review recommends content for instructors to include in the assignment—so each student's review will be personalized based on specific knowledge gaps.
More Effective “Concept Resources”
‘Learn About This’ has been changed to ‘Concept Resources’ – students will now be taken to the sub-section heading where the answer can be found, exposing them to contextual material while giving them the content remediation and practice of critical study skills.
Greater Flexibility
With SmartBook 2.0, instructors can now assign readings down to the sub-topic level (rather than only to the topic level). This provides even greater control and alignment with their syllabus.
While great strides in accessibility have been made with the original SmartBook, SmartBook 2.0 was built from the ground up with accessibility in mind to account for appropriate color contrast, keyboard navigation, and screen reader usability, to support students with accessibility needs. A full accessibility audit will be completed soon!
Tips and Navigation
Based on research with students, guidance is now improved to include more concise and helpful pop-up tips and text prompts.
Improved Student Recharge
Students can now recharge their learning by accessing previously completed assignments with a personalized learning experience focused on areas that need extra attention.
Instructor Reports
New reports allow instructors to navigate and manage the SmartBook data easier as well as moving from the class view to individual student view quickly.
Student Reports
Students can now access new reports directly from Connect. The End of Assignment Summary now includes insights, including “Accuracy” and “Most Challenging Concepts.”
Click on a feature tab to learn more.
Create a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Instructor Experience
SmartBook 2.0 is an assignment type where students are required to engage with reading material and answer questions. Instructors must create assignments for students to use SmartBook 2.0.
Select SmartBook 2.0 in your Connect course assignments...
Create a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Instructor Experience
...and choose the assignment type you want— New Assignment or Review Assignment.
Create a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Instructor Experience
SmartBook 2.0 now offers more granular content level selection for even greater alignment to the course syllabus.
Choose the chapter you want to assign and click Continue.
Create a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Instructor Experience
All sections of the chapter will be selected by default. You can deselect any sections you do not want included in the assignment.
You can use the slider to adjust the depth of coverage and time length for the assignment.
As you deselect content by unchecking the boxes or moving the slider bar down, the estimated time will decrease accordingly.
Click Continue to finalize the assignment.
Create a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Instructor Experience
Our research indicates that assigning SmartBook 2.0 will help students be accountable for learning the material and come to class prepared and ready to succeed. Even if you set an assignment for a 0-point score, this is a great opportunity to reinforce how critical reading is for your students.
Name the assignment...
... and set the dates for when students will be able to start ...
... when it needs to be completed ...
... and how many points it will be worth.
Then click ‘Assign.’
Create a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Instructor Experience
Your new assignment will appear in your course assignments list. With SmartBook 2.0, you can also assign reviews covering multiple chapters, saving yourself time creating review homework assignments, and making reviewing efficient and effective for students. Review uses student performance data to create a personal study path by prioritizing the weakest areas.
Progress Reports
For instructors, SmartBook 2.0 tracks student progress and provides insights that guide teaching strategies and advanced instruction, for a more dynamic class experience.
Completing a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Student Experience
SmartBook 2.0 Assignments will appear in the Assignments list.
Completing a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Student Experience
When students open the assignment, they can review a quick tutorial, then ‘Start Reading.’
Alternatively, students also have the option to immediately start answering questions.
Completing a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Student Experience
Yellow highlights identify the assigned learning concepts students need to learn—the assigned learning content will always remain yellow, even after students have learned the concepts. Highlights will no longer turn green like they do in the original SmartBook.
If students answer a question incorrectly and ask for guidance using “Concept Resources,” the system will temporarily turn the highlight associated with that concept blue to indicate where they went wrong. Once they move on, that highlight returns to yellow.
When students do not know the answer, they can ask the system for guidance. This will take them to the top of the sub-section of the reading material that contains the answer. It will be up to them to determine which highlight is most helpful in answering the question, encouraging better study skills.
Completing a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Student Experience
With SmartBook 2.0, the reading experience is further improved with a more refined layout and seamless design that is even easier to read and navigate.
Completing a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Student Experience
Students will answer questions (probes) throughout the assignment to assess their comprehension of the concepts they’ve read.
Completing a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Student Experience
With SmartBook 2.0, the metacognition check is now reduced from four buttons to three buttons, High—Medium—Low, providing a simplified scale option.
Completing a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Student Experience
Students receive immediate feedback on both correct and incorrect answers throughout the assignment.
Completing a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Student Experience
When SmartBook 2.0 suggests “Concept Resources,” students will now be taken to the sub-section heading where the answer can be found, which exposes them to contextual material while giving them the content remediation and practice of critical study skills.
Completing a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Student Experience
In the event students are clearly struggling with a concept, SmartBook 2.0 will force a pause in the questions and direct students to “Concept Resources.” This guidance into the reading resolves their knowledge gap on a concept before allowing them to proceed with more questions.
Completing a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Student Experience
The progress bar breaks down assignment progress into three categories: concepts not started, concepts in progress, and concepts completed. Only concepts that are currently being worked on (which is a maximum of 5 at any one time) are shown in the light blue section. The new progress indicator was changed to reflect the concepts completed to make it clearer to learners.
Completing a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Student Experience
Immediate real-time reports follow each assignment.
Completing a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Student Experience
Progress reports track overall progress and allow students to pinpoint areas where they might need to study or practice more.
Completing a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Student Experience
At any time students can review and Recharge their learning.
Completing a SmartBook 2.0 Assignment—Student Experience
The recharge experience is personalized so that it adapts to the current knowledge level and focuses on concepts requiring the most attention.
ReadAnywhere App
With the ReadAnywhere App, students can access their eBook and complete SmartBook 2.0 assignments on their smartphone, on or off-line.
Available for both Android and iOS devices.
Summary—SmartBook 2.0 Features/Benefits
Class Prep
Assign reading at a more granular level, tied to syllabus
Advanced reporting that guides tailored instruction and remediation
Assign Personalized Review
Personalized Learning
Optimized adaptive engine/more predictive
Optimized metacognition experience/efficiency
Easy to Use
Improved overall reading experience
More intuitive/guided remediation
ReadAnywhere app—on or off-line access
Improved accessibility
We harness proven learning theories to power SmartBook 2.0
The Theory of Deliberate Practice
Understanding where we are weakest to focus our practice
Focused attention that is conducted with the specific goal of improving performance
Spacing, Interleaving and Chunking Theory
Spaced practice—learning broken up into a number of short sessions. Also known as distributed practice
Interleaving—topics are mixed to reduce fatigue and optimize learning
Chunking—grouping related sub-topics into smaller chunks for easier comprehension
Metacognitive Theory
Learners learn best when they know what they don’t know
Become “aware of one’s awareness” to promote higher-order thinking skills
Effortful Retrieval Theory
To truly learn something, learners need to commit it to long-term memory with learning that requires attention and effort
Learning Theories Applied with SmartBook 2.0
Deliberate Practice
Multiple data points captured per question, including time spent on question, correct/incorrect, confidence level, number of attempts, time since last seen
Creates a baseline of the students’ knowledge
Determines the next most appropriate question to assign
Spaced, Interleaved, Chunked Practice
Keeps students intentionally focused by spacing, interleaving and chunking learning concepts to improve overall learning and retention
Metacognitive Theory
Determines what students really know as opposed to what they think they know and adjusts the students’ learning path
Effortful Retrieval
The entire SmartBook 2.0 experience promotes engagement, challenge, struggle and motivation that helps transition course concepts from short-term to long-term memory
Heat maps tell us (the curators) how well SmartBook 2.0 learning resources are working
Authors see real-time data on the effectiveness of their content so they can continuously improve it.
Percentage correct answers
Average response time
Number of participants
We unlock student potential by using data to achieve measurable results and actionable insights.
Connect with SmartBook 2.0
Course Data
Measurable Results
Results Experienced by Your Peers
If you are interested in learning about how your peers use Connect with SmartBook 2.0 and the results they have experienced, you may be interested in our efficacy research and case studies. Here we provide a wide array of examples that are specific to your discipline area.
Insights Personalized for You
We understand that each course and instructor is different, so although we are happy to offer evidence from your peers, our primary focus is enabling instructors and students with tools to measure and track results for their own course. We have shared some examples of these tools in our demonstration, but to understand the full capabilities we invite you to explore SmartBook 2.0 on your own or ask for a demo from your local representative.